Educator Responses
“The work you are doing is really important and sensitive to what is happening culturally in America. OYH and REP seem to be exemplary models of educational curricula that should be part of the new History and Social Studies standards and frameworks in all the states of the union.”
“Your work and mission are extremely compelling to me. Your OYHL project ideas are creative and your drive to help our youth understand their history aligns well with our goals to help youth have a great future.”
“This program is a launching pad to building a better, stronger community. Already we’re seeing a lot of growth and understanding, and that translates into building bridges, building community. This is a great first step [for] preparing our community leaders for the next generation.”
“We highly recommend OWN IT! . . .. The program directly aligns with our mission of servicing all youth, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as responsible, caring, and productive citizens. Our High School members have expressed gratitude for the program and have acknowledged the information they have been exposed to as essential and potentially life changing.”
“Students really enjoyed the dialogue that came out of our sessions [and] did begin to see themselves as a part of history. It was a pleasure building community with the youth of the . . .Boys & Girls Club . . . through Own It!”
“One of the aspects I most appreciate about your work is the clarity of purpose and the focus on understanding larger questions through case studies. From my experience, that is the best method to make accessible large abstract concepts and goals.”
“I see this as an innovative curriculum that is filling a void in most all realms of education, but especially in the Social Sciences. . . . I can honestly say this is a program that would be unbelievable for 8th grade students.”
“We are so lucky to have access to Own It! Great program today. Really seemed to spark something in the kids.”
“This is wonderful material.
Very, very exciting work.”